I was in a training session by the waterfront today and people kept running by, including some wearing shorts. I know I need to burn more calories, but I am not taking up running.
Been having major issues this winter w/ previous frostbite & I think now Raynaud's - I'm just psyched for the idea of being able to take the dog to the park to hang out for a while w/o my toes all turning purple & skin peeling off afterwards.
I've had Raynaud's for most of my adult life but it's gotten a lot worse lately: I recently read up on it more and found out that it's a known side-effect of at least one beta-blocker: a side-effect that didn't emerge until after it acquired a larger & longer history in wide population use.
I don't think I've ever had frostbite but I have certainly noticed that it's something I'm more vulnerable to than the average person. it must be quite maddening for you to have to deal with both issues together.
Argh I’m sorry. I either have Reynaud’s or it’s the arterial blockage in my arms they caught when I had a bypass, but either way my fingers go white and numb pretty fast no matter what I’m wearing.