"It does honor the name! Can't see really well..."
He took a look at Cienn, and immediately switched languages.
"[Shadowtongue] Non-native of this plane?"
The new language was a bit like a slither and crystal crashing sounding.
He took a look at Cienn, and immediately switched languages.
"[Shadowtongue] Non-native of this plane?"
The new language was a bit like a slither and crystal crashing sounding.
"Uh, come again?" her brows rose questioningly.
"Ah, perdón. I assumed, with the darkness and all, that you were a native to the shadowlands. In hindsight, I might have had a better shot asking beforehand.
This is a tavern, is it not?"
He was able to smell the food a good distance.
The shadowlands? That was a real place? She knelt down and withdrew an eclair, then presented it on a small plate.
In a fraction of a second, the plate had now a pouch of golden ducats instead of the eclair, which was now atop his hand, as he curiously eyed it.