Yeah, because this country has an incredibly stupid right-wing gun culture that treats them like a status symbol and/or symbol of masculinity, and doesn't prioritize safety or responsibility.
Leftists and people who actually fear violence generally don't have these problems.
Nah, it's actually not 'right wing'. That's a holdover belief from the gun control pushing days of the early 90s, when gun owning was seen as a rural, white, republican thing. That hasn't been true for a very long time. I've been in the 2A space for many years and can tell you we have ALL kinds.
You can't logic your way out of getting shot by brownshirts. And that's where shit's headed in this country. Look, it's great if you're safe, love that for you. But for us queers or for BIPOC or other marginalized groups? They've made it clear they want us dead. Might as well make it harder for them
violence has never been a last resort for any state. america is sustained through the violence of the state. to make this argument against violence unless it is a "last resort" (which is?) is just a blueprint for total defeat, that so many liberals have already walked into the threshold for.
The thing about a last resort is that you have to have equipped and prepared yourself to engage that last resort in advance.
"Hey I know you're kicking my door down right now, but can you come back in ten days once I finish my background check, 4473, and waiting period? Kay thankssss!"
It's true, owning firearms is increasing risk to yourself and people in your life.
Like all risks, we have to evaluate in context.
The military and police are armed because the political power that weapons bring them outweighs the risk to individuals to those who carry them.
Suicides outnumber homicides, yes. “Killed by their own gun” does not mean having it wrested from your grip.
The vast majority of DGU Defensive Gun Uses involve not a single shot but a shouted warning – “I have a gun and I will use it.” However, the threat must be sincere, a gun is not a magic wand
These statistics from everytown explicitly exclude data from times of war and are thus irrelevant.
"Dear French resistance, I get you don't like the Vichy and I don't either but if you start resisting them the Nazis might hurt my winery while they massacre you so please just die quietly kthxbye"
Statistics can be minimized as well. Training on safe storage, handling, range practice overall, awareness of mental health and who isn’t ready for a gun, all are real conversations people can prepare for and balance with their safety instead of shoving their heads under the covers.
Leftists and people who actually fear violence generally don't have these problems.
When the MAGA militia comes to your door, you can tell yourself you didn’t fight back because “well statistically speaking…..”
Violence is a last resort not a knee jerk response.
No one is saying “only buy a gun and engage is no other acts of non violent resistance”
you realise we're talking about queer people arming themselves to fight back against militarised hate mobs, right?
"Hey I know you're kicking my door down right now, but can you come back in ten days once I finish my background check, 4473, and waiting period? Kay thankssss!"
Like all risks, we have to evaluate in context.
The military and police are armed because the political power that weapons bring them outweighs the risk to individuals to those who carry them.
The vast majority of DGU Defensive Gun Uses involve not a single shot but a shouted warning – “I have a gun and I will use it.” However, the threat must be sincere, a gun is not a magic wand
"Dear French resistance, I get you don't like the Vichy and I don't either but if you start resisting them the Nazis might hurt my winery while they massacre you so please just die quietly kthxbye"
At some point, you have to ask yourself if the benefits outweigh the risks. For me, they do.
Practice asking yourself hard questions, and if you decide to buy a gun, get trained in how to use, maintain, and store it.
And you and your family won’t ever develop any mental health issues at any time in your life, of course.
I’ve had a gun and a crossbow pointed in my face—as jokes. Once by a child, when I was one. And I grew up in a very gun-unfriendly city.