People in power are sick twisted evil individuals! Profit over people is going to change dramatically when the citizenry united against them. God is on the side of the weak.
There just isn't one damn thing that Trump is doing that will benefit the working people who voted him into office. Instead he is wrecking America from within and destroying the future for young Americans. Total con man.
If you go back and read the information about WOKE. Destroyed anything or anyone interfering with profit or ideology! Right down to private business owners having “no guns allowed signs.” They want to fine/seize these businesses. Plus killing Americans is one of their favorite things.
I love dying of everything that is preventable in a reasonable society. That's exactly what other people voted for so I can suffer for it. Thanks, Trump's cocksuckers. Thanks for voting for this, you turds.
sue to protect the environment and recoup money to restore it. i’m out of sympathy for stupid.
Fuck Them