Hobby Tip: Sculptamould/DIY Analog
Great for terrain. A mixture of paper pulp & plaster, it can be applied thicker then poly-filler, does not have the cracking issue & the fiber makes it robust.
Use it to build up/add uneven earth and rubble.
#Pantmongertutes #WarhammerCommunity
Great for terrain. A mixture of paper pulp & plaster, it can be applied thicker then poly-filler, does not have the cracking issue & the fiber makes it robust.
Use it to build up/add uneven earth and rubble.
#Pantmongertutes #WarhammerCommunity
The mound of earth built up on the lowest fence as also made with the material.
Its thin enough that it can be cut with multiple (careful) passes with a robust box cutter and steel rule. Can be beveled or shaped with a rotary tool drum sander and is cheap to buy at most hardware shops.
But short answer, I have not had any issues if there is something inflexible on top, such as plastic terrain, which inhibits it. Clamping while PVA is drying however can be good for larger areas.
It was probably only going up when you asked :)
This dyes the sculptamould all the way through (though it'll be grey rather than black), and makes any chipped areas much less noticeable.
Will keep this in mind and play further.
I did 3 in the set. These were the other 2.
My first attempt was just with the ruins and a little rubble, and it looked really wrong. Filling the cavity with rubble was the ticket