To that extent, we could have them lay some foundations for what comes next. Maybe some foundations for an underground railroad, grim as that sounds. We already need one for pregnant people and trans in general. Obv black people have always been on their hit list, and me (gay) will need one.
I promise I don't like talking or sounding like this. It's just...we really don't have the time anymore to not be thinking on worst case scenarios. We should still be thinking good scenarios too. It's just usually nobody spends ANY time thinking worst ones until too late.
I'm mostly trying to get people to begin mentally planning for the question of: What do I do if things go "THAT" bad? Who are the people I can trust that wouldn't have sold out Anne Frank? Where are my safe people? What are my survival skills and weaknesses? What do we need to do as a people?
It's time to begin thinking about what to do in worst case scenarios, bc everyone avoids even THINKING about those. So when they happen...nobody is prepared. It's time to really think, who in your life wouldn't have sold you out to Nazis if you were Jewish? Who are your *people*? What's our plan?
Because the worst case is rushing at us like the meteor at the dinosaurs. And just like them...our climate truly is one of the things up for grabs. We really cannot forget that in the midst of all the politics and human suffering: our entire climate is screaming.