A witchy Nutcracker retelling for people who love the "-ber" months.
#YA #F
✔️ Winter Solstice/Yule
✔️ Coming of Age
✔️ Cozy Mystery
✔️ Folklore
✔️ True YA
✔️ Magical woodland creatures (otters and frogs carry notes between witches through a creek, sooo...)
#LuckyPit #popuppitA #popuppit
A witchy Nutcracker retelling for people who love the "-ber" months.
#YA #F
✔️ Winter Solstice/Yule
✔️ Coming of Age
✔️ Cozy Mystery
✔️ Folklore
✔️ True YA
✔️ Magical woodland creatures (otters and frogs carry notes between witches through a creek, sooo...)
#LuckyPit #popuppitA #popuppit