Glyphosate is not carcinogenic, mutagenic, or reprotoxic, as concluded by the most recent scientific assessments by EFSA/ECHA. While acknowledging knowledge gaps, these assessments represent the most comprehensive evaluation of a pesticide ever conducted.
NHL decreasing in US - check yourself
...motion to exclude portions of the opinion of Dr. Craig Nichols are granted in part & denied in part - relates to Dr. Tomasetti's research & 'bad luck' theory.
Some positive news for Bayer on Daubert hearings
• Dr. Craig Nichols-Document 19869 4Dec24
• Dr. David Grinblatt-Document 19867 4Dec24
[these related to 'substaintial factor' in NHL]
Some other news on misconduct yesterday
Though Monsanto has won it fair share of trials...they have yet to win against the Arnold & Itkin and Kline & Specter team. Before Antonou, wins in Philadelphia state court has yielded verdicts of $175 million, $2.25 billion (later reduced to $404 million), and $78 million.