Thank you for this. It's interesting how we just accept what we hear or read. I looked it up, which I would not have done otherwise. An excellent lesson for me. Grateful.
Sadly, not a surprise. The MAGroanA acolytes need to wake up. The guy they elected and the republican party isn't here for them. Term limits for the house, senate and SCOTUS.
Not sure if it's related, but my insurance just reclassified a bunch of medicines. The difference means that instead of paying $25 a month for my meds, I am supposed to pay $750.
How about this for an idea. Now
That Trump and his insane posse have started displaying their true intentions, how about holding another election, one based on reality.
This is so Trump! Horrific how he’s already showing that he gives not a rat’s ass about hurting people. And his cult will stick by him if he shoots someone on 5th avenue.
won’t try to mess with social security and Medicare but not till it actually happens there is no reason to exaggerate.
That Trump and his insane posse have started displaying their true intentions, how about holding another election, one based on reality.
Can we do that??