The cancer didn’t start big—it was just a few rogue cells breaking from the body’s constitution. It spread, convinced it was the cure.
Senate doctors ignored it. Courts left it to “natural remedies.” Now? It’s taken over the nervous system.
The host is failing, & the cancer thinks it’s winning.
Senate doctors ignored it. Courts left it to “natural remedies.” Now? It’s taken over the nervous system.
The host is failing, & the cancer thinks it’s winning.
The takeover of the body is complete.
Because the doctors sat on their asses or played golf until it was done. The question now is. Will they get off their asses and fight for a cure? It seems they've returned to the hospital to check on the patient, at least.
If I make that analogy, and I see you make that analogy, then this analogy is probably unanimous. It includes cancer cells too.
The Undermining of America, World, Earth
The Dangerous Case of Elon Musk
(fascist -saboteur - eco-terrorist)
Authoritarian Thought Police