The elephant in the room has to be addressed
Australia's "economic and social stability" is NOT threatened by voters building a more diverse, inclusive parliament and body politic that governs by developing consensus
A Duopoly does the opposite - it governs using ideology and limits a broader base
Australia's "economic and social stability" is NOT threatened by voters building a more diverse, inclusive parliament and body politic that governs by developing consensus
A Duopoly does the opposite - it governs using ideology and limits a broader base
If that wasn't a reason to vote for independents and make democracy a core reason to vote, then we do deserve to lose it all
Balanced truth is being stamped out in America
Balanced truth here in Australia, only found in the Independent media and those - like yourself - that call out BULLSHIT on the basis of commonsense, in social media
Parliament is a sheltered workplace for politicians - they have designed a nice cosy "golden cage" of privilege around themselves
And as TIMMY has found, being on the outer in the REAL world, such privilege is not to be found
There's no another workplace that allows alcohol during work time, let alone excise free.
Dutton's, ahem, indiscretions in the stock market, will be the tip if a very lucrative iceberg.
The defence that 'its within the rules' begs the question - are the rules appropriate?
There's no accountability
Voters have spent lifetimes reinforcing this behaviour by flip flopping between Labor and the LNP IPA (who make the "rules"
Rebuild the body politic and vote independent!
Quite unexpectedly when they make a determination it's never to leave salaries as they are or to reduce them.
What I want to know is - is there a tribunal that establishes payment for the tribunal?
Perhaps its tribunals all the way down.
In a world where thugs are eating up democracies, it’s a dangerous set of attitudes to persist with
Franchise restricted mostly to wealthy men.
Slavery an integral part
We should adopt ostracism which would see pretty well the lot of them, banished from Australia for 10 years.
Alternatively execution was also used
To ensure that the Pythia gave the correct advice she was usually bribed.
Seems to be a simple, straightforward system to me.
Much like many that are employed by governments today.
I'm a lifelong Labor voter but I'll vote Independent, Green or informal this time and will not chance my vote going elsewhere.
I think they were using the term in its original Greek sense, meaning:
'Leaving us alone to become multi millionaires and to retire with a nice little highly paid sinecure'