If Garland had just done his damn job, Shitler would be in a federal penitentiary right now. I will never forgive Garland for his spineless tenure as AG
Yes, in this current @housedemocrats.bsky.social @senatedemocrats.bsky.social environment, we can only imagine this. Along with an aggressive and real fight to keep the Constitution whole... all these guys care about is optics and their elections. Time for PRIMARIES, if we get that far.
Everyone else can sniff it out, but not us! Oh no sir, we got a pile of fucking dog shit and half the country just going about their business while it steams in their damn face.
And here we thought we were a better country. Maybe that’s how we’ll make America great again as we get off our asses and actually do something about the doofus in the White House.The
So Brazil is a stronger nation than us. All of the bullshit we were fed as kids that we live in the greatest nation ever, and now we have Idiocracy on steroids. Trump should be next on the list of facist dicks we need to lock up.
History teacher here. We've never been the greatest. Just said we were. There was the little WWII economic blip but otherwise, awful. Even then,we turned away Jews from Europe and interned Japanese 😞
can I imagine?! I just found myself thinking I might do some research and post a list describing how past fascist authoritarian strong men met their ends.
And the US? Well, we're rapidly becoming what we used to call several nations to the south.....a banana republic.
fuck yeah I can imagine.
If so, expect Bolsonaro not to be held accountable
But at least Brazil will keep its bipartisan norms