Who should history blame for the rise of MAGA?
Check this out and pass it on!
Check this out and pass it on!
This country has never lived up to what it claims to be, and instead of educating people and being honest about how America started, they tell them lies and give them people to hate and blame for their shortcomings and failures.
If you recognize that the American Worker has suffered under their regime.
The first party of our 2 party system loses its billionaire class and champions a living wage, that party will unite us.
And then Clinton finishes the job by destroying manufacturing.
Because if we use the 1950’s as your social model the wage for min is $35.00 per hr.
Roy Cohn
Who am I missing?
Mitch McConnell
Republican party for not impeaching & disqualifying him.
Media for sane-washing him, not stating facts, pushing back on lies & not reporting Biden/Harris's successes.
The 76 million voters that voted for him & the millions that sat at home.
The McCormack–Dickstein Committee for not hanging those involved in the plot to overthrow the government, including Bush's grand daddy. Likely, should have hung the owners of The New York times for calling it a hoax.