Vaccine disinfo is rampant in Red States. Viruses don’t care about your political beliefs. They have existed for billions of years. Viruses thrive on replication and DNA changes for survival.
If you don’t vaccinate your kids, you are directly responsible for their illnesses and deaths.
Full. Stop.
If you don’t vaccinate your kids, you are directly responsible for their illnesses and deaths.
Full. Stop.
Their deaths could have been prevented with a vaccine.
They are 5 and 11.
Keeping them fully vaccinated on schedule has been a challenge, and becomes more of one every year.
Our PCP couldn’t even be trusted to remain sane, now we have a new one.
We don’t have the privilege of gobs of money, so we can’t get out.
There are a LOT of us who aren’t, though.
It’s telling to watch remote peeps convince themselves that bc of WHERE I live, that my children deserve the carnage that my disinformed neighbors “chose.”
The AR Health Department has been defunct for years, and no longer offers covid shots for children, even if a nurse exists, that day. Finding them at all is like pulling teeth. Even for profit companies keep little stock for those of us who still aren’t stupid.
Our PCP had to be replaced this year because he went full-antivax, after years of simply coddling and not standing up to it. It was the Covid disinformation that convinced him to start openly counseling his own patients against vaccination.
I’m keeping myself vaxxed and boosted.
Will wear masks when I feel vulnerable.
The sooner these people leave the planet the better.
In the meantime, be up to date on every vaccine available.
Stock up on OTC meds like ibuprofen and acetaminophen. Make sure you have Rx refills, stock up steroid inhalers and antibiotics. Stock up on Plan B: for yourself, your kids and others.
It’s going to become illegal.