No one should travel to the US.
We have become a dangerous country controlled by a deranged despot.
Do not contribute to Trump’s economy.
We have become a dangerous country controlled by a deranged despot.
Do not contribute to Trump’s economy.
I nearly did!
Think about all the cities whose only income to their economy is from tourism.
Just another thing you can thank Trump for.
They are flagging passports and profiling people, arresting them, torturing them and probably murdering them.
Murica sux. Go elsewhere.
We wish we could.
They have everything, from ss numbers to bank info to medical history to our twitter posts talking shit to Elmo or Trump.
"Tell me, comrade, what have you done for the state today?"
Imagine if J Edgar Hoover or Nixon had digital records?
The russian answers:"Oh, we also have freedom of speech. I, too, can go to Kremlin and shout:" Go to hell, Ronald Reagan!"
That is 77 Million Tourists NOT spending the average $4000 each that they did last year.
Think of how many Hospitality Jobs that is that now don't exist!
Free speech is the absolute fundamental bedrock American belief.
It’d be like travelling to Russia.
One autocrat is teaching the other how to make a country not worth travelling to.