i reviewed for an NEH grant program two years ago & the experience fundamentally broke me. there were ~150 applications for i think a total of 15 available grants, and everyone was asking for, like 30k for course buyouts. everything i read was great & i dont think anything i put forward got funded.
Reposted from
Akil N Awan
The state of humanities funding in the US is shocking. For every $1000 the feds spend on research, humanities receive a $1.30 🤯
Of the ~$54 billion in research the federal govt funds in U.S. higher ed, only $69 million goes to the humanities (=0.13% of fed total) www.cambridge.org/core/journal...
Of the ~$54 billion in research the federal govt funds in U.S. higher ed, only $69 million goes to the humanities (=0.13% of fed total) www.cambridge.org/core/journal...
I did one, once. 50k to talk to the remaining PLATO game designers. I was one of 800+ applicants to a total of 8 awards.