Don't get me wrong, I am all for graphical styles for games like that, but the minimum being a GeForce RTX 2060 and ray tracing has to be required? that just seems outrageous to me.
But then again I hardly ever buy tripe A games anyways, last one I bought was Elden Ring and it's DLC.
They’ve made a decision to build the whole game around RTGI. We are 4 years into current console generation, which support ray tracing, and minimum requirements for PC are below performance of of Xbox series X.
we talk about 6 years lower midend card, or bottom of previous generation.
I swear to god please compress your sound files. Most game audio only ever needs to be mono, voice tracks can stand to be 16-bit @22KHZ, everything else should be compressed more aggressively. You could reasonably go down to 8-bit @ ~12KHz.
Just googled storage requirements out of curiosity
FFXIV - 80gb
Control - 42gb
Texas Chainsaw Massacre - 30gb
Observer_ - 10gb
Helldivers 2 - 100gb
We Happy Few - 6gb
It's like that episode of south park where people make decisions by cutting a chicken's head off and letting it run on a wheel
ough, yeah I felt that. Makes me think back to folks I knew would describe waiting a full day or more for something like Halo 5 or the masterchief collection to download. 😓
I do want to add on the side that the skill artists, both visuals and technical, have to build up to make those games look as they do is wildly impressive and my gripe isn't with them.
More so it feels the never ending chase for uber realism graphics is starting to feel suffocating
Even with a ps5 with an external hard drive and a steam deck with one tb of internal space and an extra tb micro sd card, I still have to clear space and uninstall stuff for a lot of my games. I remember when ACIV needed thirty gigs and thinking that was a lot. Not anymore.
It is honestly begining to get ridiculous, some games that aren't even that big will require an obscene amount of space. 😅 Guess we all need 4TB drives
I remember when 8gb was the baseline standard. You’d be lucky to game on 8gb anymore since even windows is so unoptimized and uses nearly half of your memory, effectively leaving only 4gb remaining.
Yeah, developers don't do storage optimization anymore. It's painful. Most triple a games are getting to the 200 gb mark God of War Ragnarok was almost 200 itself
I love having to calculate exactly how many Gigs a game and saves are gonna be on PC it sure is great!/s This is why I stick to Indies, Retro and emulation when it comes to PC gaming at least the 500 gigs is from about 500 games lol
do you think they're in kahoots with companies who make SSDs
like why do they get bigger, nothing changed other than the texture that makes up a dimple in a guy's face is slightly upscaled
I remember WoW being an overnight and morning install and not being able to have basically anything else installed back in the day.
Now I can think of at least a few games (Ark being one of them) that are at least twice the size of WoW.
nah, it’s about the same as it was for years. Maybe it’s slightly worse on CPU side as console don’t lag that much in this regard as 2 previous generations
I just thought about this today. I got Marvel Rivals and it's super beautiful but only 42gb.
For now.
And yes it's just tight small arenas but that's still more reasonable than most "AAA" fare.
It's why I went for a bigger storage on my current pc when I had it built
But hard agree
Sure, I love a big game with lots of space to explore, but like... 100+ GB is A LOT
I have so many games with so much game each that's like.. Less than 30 GB
That's one of the reasons I avoid HQ/HD/4k/8k texture mods.
Also cause they tend to be highly subjective to personal taste and there's even some times they look worse than the originals or overly detailed to the point it becomes visually noisy.
Ugly schmugly
I'd rather have an updated Oblivion and New Vegas that were much more stable than an overly pretty Skyrim or just stupidly "realistic" 150 GB game
One of the most popular games recently is Webfishing
It's so pixelated you can barely read the text on clothes
And that fucking rules
like helldivers i can get behind, its on a dead engine
but sot is running on an engine that has been constantly updated, but they refuse to move to U5 due to backports
And it's not just install sizes, it's updates and patches too. There is zero good reason why a game needs to have a 50-100 gig size update when there's zero actual new content or assets being added in the update
I don't mind a game being large if the game is actually...well...large.
I expect my hundreds-of-hours long RPG to take up a good chunk of space, but I die a little inside when a 6-hour long FPS takes up the same disk volume, lol.
Optimization is the name of the game here. AAA companies don't compress anything anymore so the file sizes are huge. This really shows on steam when a AAA game downloads the full size period vs an optimized indie that downloads compressed and then extracts to size. I do Indie nowdays. AAA is dead.
It's so cute that you think AAA companies give a single shit about optimization.
They know that by the time they release it plenty of morons will buy $200 in upgrades just to juice their unstable builds up enough to make up for their absolute slop.
Like I was implying: AAA companies don't care about optimization especially when they don't treat their workers right.(overworked and under paid) What I said was Indie devs are better at this and therefor I don't buy AAA titles anymore.
I have a feeling that it'd save them a LOT if they just 'streamed' their cinematics instead of having you download them. (albeit you'd need to be online to do that)
I be having 3TB of storage thats mostly empty so I do have space for big games but I have a max of 2MB/s dl speed that goes down to the KB/s a lot so it just sucks having to do a 120gb thing
IMHO, it’s a deliberate measure by developers to retain their playerbase. They try to make your console run out of storage, forcing you to play their videogame solely —or very few of them— and, as many people don’t have time to spare, they’re discouraged from playing any potential competitor.
It’s discouraging when your internet connection is subpar —which is very common outside of the U.S. and Europe— and a minor patch for Warzone has an ETA of three hours.
Brother. I gamed in the 90s when it literally took all day and 12 floppy discs later to download a single game while not doing anything else. You can run download and updates overnight while you sleep. You are just being lazy.
Technical marvel, unlike many unreal slops
But then again I hardly ever buy tripe A games anyways, last one I bought was Elden Ring and it's DLC.
we talk about 6 years lower midend card, or bottom of previous generation.
FFXIV - 80gb
Control - 42gb
Texas Chainsaw Massacre - 30gb
Observer_ - 10gb
Helldivers 2 - 100gb
We Happy Few - 6gb
It's like that episode of south park where people make decisions by cutting a chicken's head off and letting it run on a wheel
More so it feels the never ending chase for uber realism graphics is starting to feel suffocating
Oh yeah? You already finished all your optimizations?
Indie GP: [head-tilt] "My what?"
I feel like when a game requires a lot of RAM and/or a lot of space, it has a high chance of being extremely unoptimised
Also the issue of bandwidth usage & download speeds needed to accommodate those increasing sizes.
Folks are slower nets or limited networks get the short end of the deal.
And games that start reaching 100gb+ tend to be more graphically demanding.
like why do they get bigger, nothing changed other than the texture that makes up a dimple in a guy's face is slightly upscaled
***Takes 2 hours to download because there's another 1gb Patch to download***
Are shipping with 1TB NVMe's
And even that's not enough
Now I can think of at least a few games (Ark being one of them) that are at least twice the size of WoW.
For now.
And yes it's just tight small arenas but that's still more reasonable than most "AAA" fare.
But hard agree
Sure, I love a big game with lots of space to explore, but like... 100+ GB is A LOT
I have so many games with so much game each that's like.. Less than 30 GB
It's around 12-14gb depending on what version it is
Jump to recent bethseda with Starfield and all the complaints it got about half the game being an empty void and barren landscapes. It's around 150gb.
And well DX9 edition had worse compression than modern games.
Also cause they tend to be highly subjective to personal taste and there's even some times they look worse than the originals or overly detailed to the point it becomes visually noisy.
I'd rather have an updated Oblivion and New Vegas that were much more stable than an overly pretty Skyrim or just stupidly "realistic" 150 GB game
One of the most popular games recently is Webfishing
It's so pixelated you can barely read the text on clothes
And that fucking rules
but sot is running on an engine that has been constantly updated, but they refuse to move to U5 due to backports
I expect my hundreds-of-hours long RPG to take up a good chunk of space, but I die a little inside when a 6-hour long FPS takes up the same disk volume, lol.
They at least have an excuse for why it's gotten so big.
A mutant zombie shoot em up taking up the same space has no excuse. Lookin at you KF2.
FFVIIRb I love you but you are 146 gigs of space.
They know that by the time they release it plenty of morons will buy $200 in upgrades just to juice their unstable builds up enough to make up for their absolute slop.
Dear god that game is chunky.