there is a strange sort of parasocialism where people think that by being mutuals or interacting a few times with someone makes you their friend. when no it doesnt. friendship is cultivated and built up. just bc you talked to a person a few times in and out of game does not make them your friend.
Like, I can be friendly and conversational with mutuals, but I don't assume it means we're close friends.
Like IDK if that makes any sense.
Like there's groundwork to start and maintain something, since you already have some common interests and don't mind talking to each other. But like you said, it still requires effort and time.
I was talking with a friend last night how there's this weird tendency towards over-familiarity in online spaces.
Like you said, it creates a weird and uncomfortable imbalance.
Especially since there's nothing wrong with just being acquaintances either.
after like 4-6 pleasant interactions I'm more or less comfortable with the basic "friend" label for someone
there's like, levels to this, and i remember whenever I explained this to certain ppl they told me I'd never find happiness acting like this. ??? bro?? grass. touch it
i didnt say anyone has to agree with me on this opinion. and there are people who do and dont. and i am okay to-
I will say I am neurodivergent and while that's never an excuse to cross boundaries I sometimes go ??? about friendship things.
it is different for everyone and if people say this is a boundary, i think that should be respected. and i’m glad most people would agree with that.
Automatically assuming you're close friends w someone you're mutuals with is kinda crazy