You are a beautiful soul. I have loved watching you and I feel so bad you lost your home. Positive thoughts sent your way and thank you for such a wonderful 45 years.
You've made watching Y&R so much fun over the decades, thank you! You are an institution unto yourself. Just make sure Victor keeps coming back from the dead.
Happy Anniversary, Eric! 🥳🥳 You have been amazing as Victor over the years- the good & You have had an amazing cast to work with over the years some who sadly no longer with us 😢 I hope you will stay with show for as long as your health allows you. We love you in Canada 🥰
Watched you w/my grandmother in the 80’s, on my VCR in the 90’s, DVR in the 00’s and still CAN NOT miss a day of VN! Love you sm Mr Braeden!❤️ Cheers to 45!!! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻👊🏻👊🏻👊🏻
If your cast and crew know you even a little bit more than we the audience, they know that you are more than a fantastic actor. Your knowledge and understanding and love for this country are remarkable. You're not only an artist, you are a very fine human being.
You deserve every compliment.
Happy 45 th Eric!! So difficult to believe it has been that long. Having watched from the beginning, I know without a doubt you deserve the accolades given. In the midst of all you are dealing with, what a wonderful time for a celebration! 🎉
Congratulations to you Sir! You are the reason I turn on Y&R. With all you have been through THANK YOU for having the 'will" to get into character and give us your best each time.💪💪 Here's to 45 more. 💗💗 🥂
Congratulations ! As I have said many times , as Kis Irish at the "other place", your work has brought so much to me. My now deceased Mom, sister who passed w breast cancer last year watched YR until her last day on earth. You deserve ever accolade and I admire you in other areas as well.
Happy 45 on playing the character that everyone loves to love and loves to hate, all depending on the storyline LOL! You are such a legend and an amazingly gifted man. Wish you all the best and watching you on the 50th anniversary!
Congratulations! Thank you for all that you’ve given your fans over the past 45 years! Right now, more than ever, your show is helping me make it through the chaotic, overthrowing the government events that are happening daily.
Congratulations Eric! I remember the Y&R when Lance Prentiss was Genoa City's billionaire. You've done an outstanding job taking on that role. Here's to many more years of VN!
On a personal note I appreciate your thoughtful and informative posts where you share your wisdom. Canada loves you ❤️
Congratulations! I have watched Y & R since the premier and have followed you since your first day on the show. Love the cast and storylines, but you as Victor have always been my favorite! Again, congrats on your achievement and my thoughts are with you and your family over your recent loss.
That's great Eric! Congrats. And I know other things in your life will work out as well. If you decide to rebuild: that's great. The timing has to be right. Just take a day at a time and know that God almighty sees and will make things better in his time. You are a class act and I appreciate you. 👍
Very happy for you on this momentous anniversary, Eric. Nice to have some hours of joy as it's certainly not been a great year for you & your wife with the LA wildfire damage to your home.
Aw, glad you saw my message. I'm going to send you a small parcel of: a card with a surprise for you & your wife to enjoy and add to your 'home-to-be.' No hints but I know you will love it. I'll send it to the YR CBS address I have through Kate Linder and know it will be sent to your dressing room.
You deserve all praise for a part well played.
You deserve every compliment.
Herzlichen Glückwunsch
Herr Braeden. 💪
Bravo 👏
On a personal note I appreciate your thoughtful and informative posts where you share your wisdom. Canada loves you ❤️