AMEN MR. BRAEDEN!! Hope you’re doing well sir!! It’s a shame that you have to deal with what’s going on personally in your life and then having to deal with this BULLSHIT! DEPRESSING!! I love you Mr. Braeden. STILL praying for you and your family! STAY STRONG SIR!
It’s very frustrating to see what had happened in the White House. The whole world isn’t going to look at the US the same ever again. Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦
To Trump and his cronies this is a business deal! To Zelensky it’s death and destruction in his country. It’s the existence of his people. That’s the difference; to Trump its business…a game; to Zelensky its peoples lives.
I saw Christiane Amanpour cover her face in shock after the disgusting show in the Oval . The ambassador of Ukraine placed her head in her hands. Appalling and embarrassing for the world to see such a display.
Reading the dialogue makes it even more visible the intimidation and bullying which occurred against Zelensky yesterday in what was an predetermined intimidation setup.
Just a showboat for Putin like all gang/mob initiations have to do to prove their toughness/worth/loyalty to the mob boss. They "accidentally" allowed "uninvited" Russian press there that weren't on the list & mysteriously got in. Riiiiiight! Look how his admin. r2 scared to speak up! Gaslighting101