These idiots voted for the guy who’s gonna not only hurl us into WWIII but leave us with zero allies. He’s dismantled US Canada relations. Alienated us from all of our allies. And is now siding with a long term enemy!? Anyone who can’t see the issue is complicit
This woman is the daughter of war criminals and shouldn't have been able to run for office in the first place. More proof that the Democrats have become the new Republicans and their fan base will dutifully follow.
Liz Cheney said it best—Trump, Vance, and Musk are either fools or Kremlin tools. Abandoning NATO, siding with Russia, and demanding Ukraine’s surrender is nothing short of treason. Stand up for democracy before it’s too late! 🚨🇺🇦 Follow me for more!
Ewwww. No.
Is it that easy to forget why we're even in the current situation? Are we this desperate for someone in DC to act with a baseline of decency that we'd support people who don't respect us just because they kinda sorta eventually did something decent? Yuck.
I don't always agree with you, but I am a strong supporter of Democracy and freedom, so we agree on that. I also respect your strength in standing up to the ORANGE conman. Maybe you should invite him to go pheasant hunting with your family. I am
sure you could work out your differences.
Wouldn't it be amazing they could organize a march in Washington? My wish list of speakers so far: Bernie Sanders, Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, Pete Buttigieg, Kamala. Lots of Senators, Congresspersons, Governors have spoken out as well. I think there would be no shortage of speakers. ice to dream.
Yeah I'm in hospital, doped up and in pain, but that the first thing I thought of when trump & jd lost their minds and supported Russia Russia Russia & Vlad the impaler and aligned with "the evil empire"
This is the logical conclusion to a 60-year plan by Republicans to undermine democracy in order to maintain power with unpopular policies. The same Republicans you now praise created Frankenstein's monster and released it upon the world.
Now, they cry out in horror while taking no responsibility.
I'll pass on the standing with Cheney. She still supports obscene tax cuts for billionaires, cutting Medicaid/social security/Medicare/SNAP and other benefits, and she's more than happy to continually arm Israel. Simply not being a fascist who is willing to overthrow the government isn't a flex.
The Democrats are firmly standing behind and promoting the war monger Liz Cheney. I never thought I’d see the day. This woman is too far right wing for most Republicans.
sorry, americans are too fucking gullible. liz cheney is the daughter of a war criminal and was willing to nullify her sisters civil rights to gain office. she’s been fine with gop racist, misogynistic, homophobic attacks. i’m sure she’s against SS & medicaid
Boom, Liz Cheney is the only Republican I respect and trust. She deserves a medal for her tireless pursuit of justice. She was treated horribly, yet she continued with a permanent middle finger salute. I admire her. She needs to turn BLUE
Don’t forget Little Marco who I thought was a regular Republican who stood for Democracy, evidently tRump was correct he is Little Marco, No Spine No Courage & No Balls
Please stop trying to rewrite the Cheney legacy. She voted with Trump over 90% of the time. And there's nowhere enough space to discuss the many crimes of her father.
Crazy billionaires with bunker-like lodges in remote parts of the world believe they don’t need international stability and peace.
They believe disrupting global security yields a nice profit for their firms.
I am reposting, but I’d like to know what the US is going to do about such disrespect for the Constitution and treason! Or is this what America has deteriorated into?
MSM is still not challenging how TASS was in the Oval - It had to be by invitation - Anyone w/knowledge of what reporters go through just to get into the press room knows - He was there to give first hand evidence to Putin of Trump's allegiance Watch this
They want to crash economy and Wall Street! Wag the dog come on stupid ass yes men and the firing of dept heads ! I hope iam wrong, but something just don’t seem right! Now he sides with Russia, demanding tariff me !we have smart people out there a light should go on in your head!
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I wonder if SHE is might try to retake the Republican ticket? Hear me out. The Trump bubble has to burst, whether that's his untimely death or just people growing sick of him and rejecting it all, it'll happen and conservatism will survive. I don't think MAGA will without a figurehead. So maybe...
I will always consider Liz Cheney a hero. Bless her heart for giving up her political career to save her soul. She has true courage something that cannot be said for the majority of the GQPs in government.
Agreed. And there is just as much hate coming from the dems. And that's why they're struggling so badly. They might want to turn that into some energy. They have no room to talk.
Why is it so hard for republicans to stand up, show some guts and say what they know the truth to be? Putin is not our friend. He is DJTs friend because he emulates Putin. The GOP also wants us to become citizens of a dictatorship. WTF!
Liz is a strong, principled, intelligent, great woman. GOP🤡s🤬?
Lesser evil says that evil person is bad and that we should keep fulling wars and genocides because that evil person is align with even worst evil person who might and only the lesser evil person is allowed to ruin humanity
I never thought I would look to a Cheney to help lead this country back towards democracy and sanity. I don't always agree with her politics, but I respect Liz Cheney's integrity and dedication to democracy.
I would be looking forward to the moment , having lulled Trump and his morons into a false sense of security, when Putin and Xi JinPing pounce in a coordinated attack, except it will be a disaster for all of us.
The world-domination-through-hatred fantasies of the elite patriarchy are irrelevant. The lie is dead.
We hear the call of our Mother Earth, who produces the seeds of life and we understand the truth of the reciprocity of life. For any of us to thrive we must all thrive.
I will never stand with Liz. She enabled him during his first administration and is still a die hard small government republican that would continue to vote for cuts to services for we the people by the people.
Internet fact: anything becomes true if you finish it with TRUTH! More so if you demand people repost it.
Only one country has ever invoked Article 5 and that was the US for its illegal invasion of Afghanistan. The USSR no longer exists, the reason for NATO no longer exists. TRUTH.
Yo the left is losing the fucking plot. We don’t prop up Liz Cheney who doesn’t agree with gay marriage and is the daughter of a literal multigenerational war mongerer 🥹🫠 we are so cooked. Bandwagon propaganda 😫
A few things can be true at the same time, can't they? I disagree with her position on her social policies, but I also agree with her position on this.
Sure but what does that really mean. MAGA used this logic and Trump is the president. Sure he’s a sexual predator but tax cuts a stimulus payments 🙄a broken clock is right twice a day - it still doesn’t work. Pick a side.
I definitely don't disagree with you and find myself on one solid side (trust me) However, I do think that she might be changing sides? Just my thoughts. How can anyone with character or intelligence side with MAGA?
Very true. But she could also be saying the same about her da , who absolutely conned the American taxpayer to give no bid and cost plus billion dollar contracts to Halliburton
If we were a Parliament, a Conservative Party would be in coalition now with a traditional Democratic Party. A split of a more Liberal Party would be too. All would work to craft compromise legislation, but their strength would be opposing MAGANazi. When Nazis slayed, they then realign coalitions.
I would vote for her in a second!!! Sacrificed her career to do her job with morals and integrity. Then the party turned on her like a pack of wild dogs!!
Talk is cheap, I really think Ukraine & the rest of world would prefer it if you removed the turgid tangerine anus in your white house. Lets hope this is not just another "thoughts & prayers" moment, Thanks, the rest of the world.
I don't agree with everything she says, but when she speaks on issues I agree with I'll agree with her. We all need to learn that we don't have to agree 100% to support it each other.
Unfollowing reposter for putting a Cheney on my timeline under any circumstances, last time I heard about her, Harris was simping her way to throwing us all under the bus
No thank you. I think the next person I vouch for needs to not come from an old money political family. Your dad and his buddy George already took their turn fucking us, so I honestly am just not starting with any trust or good faith that Dick Cheney’s daughter is a great place to start. Good luck!
No lies detected, but I wouldn’t stand next to Liz Cheney unless I was about to push her under a subway train.
The enemy of my enemy is not always my friend.
Might have sat down with Stalin to defeat Hitler but afterwards: you ghosted, son.
Hard pass. The Cheneys are also atrocious human beings.
She voted WITH DUMP almost 100% of the time when he was in office and her dad is absolutely deplorable. Not sure showcasing these pieces of shit as beacons of truth is a good look.
Fuck off "From 2017 to 2021, Cheney voted in line with Trump's position around 93% of the time, supporting him more consistently in House votes than many House Republican members, even his former chief of staff Mark Meadows."
Give her credit. She was one of trumps fiercest critics. She did her job in the Jan. 6 hearings, and did it very well. We don't need cracks in our fight for democracy. True patriots need to unite.
I'm Canadian, so what does my opinion matter to you? It's "timely" for her to pretend she protects democracy. She has not generally done so in her long career. What were her votes on the cabinet members?
Your opinion is yours. I wasn't putting you down. I'm just saying America first. Right now we have a fucked up country. It shouldn't matter to you, but we need everyone to stand up for democracy. If we go down do want to learn Russian?
I'll back any horse that speaks out against the grifters and shitwads we have running our country right now. She coulda stayed with them too. But she didn't. I'm sure I don't agree with her politically but at this time I am on the same side as anyone who fights for our democracy.
It is extremely hard to give credit to political whores. Even if they are "apparently" now giving lip service to true democracy. She is the crack, not me.
It's gross that some people want to stroke her like a stalagmite on a cave tour. "Oh, you're the prettiest pony in the barn!" She's 1000% beside the point, a distraction, an object in the rear view mirror who called out her party and was flushed down Trump's golden toilet. Good riddance.
Nope. She split with him ONLY when he almost got her killed. She voted with him most of the time and calls Democrats evil. She’s not fighting with us…she’s only fighting adjacent to us. She is a Cheney, it’s always self serving.
War hawk runs in her DNA!
Get them to the table to start negotiations.. stop feeding the meat grinder with no real plan!
EU/UK boots on the ground? WW3 knocking on the door!
Maybe would have been best to let Ukraine stay neutral instead of supporting a coup in 2013/2014? Good job Obama/Biden!
Some days feel like an endless battle, but I hold on to the belief that good people still exist. If you’re reading this and can help, please know that even the smallest act of generosity can make a difference.😵💫
How many damn data points does one need to see the truth? tRUmp MAGA GQP are RUssian ASSets and traitors to the United States Constitution!This will NOT stand! Patriots from both parties have to rally to end this abomination! We have got to save our democracy, our country and our 🇨🇦🇲🇽 European allies!
I have to say, its sort of like Darth Vader trying to kill the Emperor. "She will bring balance to the force." Just ignore all the years before this, with her and her father...
Most of Ukraine's mineral wealth is located in the "Ukrainian Shield," spanning territories like Luhansk, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhya, and Dnipropetrovsk — regions that are largely under Russian control.
Her party created Trump let them and her put in most of the work getting him Out
Next Time
Listen to Black Woman when we call out the BS on people like her and other republicans who think they smarter than us
Your Not
Though I may not agree with many of her policy positions, she is indeed an American patriot. Her and I share the belief of the constitution & democracy. I know we can debate our policy differences, but I know we both agree that democracy welcomes open debate of such.
Liz Cheney would have supported sedition if the name on the ballot had been Bush.
Oh, wait. She already did so, in 2000.
And Roger Stone was in Florida leading the riots to stop the count.
If only all Republicans fought for the truth and justice like Liz Cheney. Looks like she’s the only one not bought and paid for by Putin. These cowards want to to punish this woman instead. She has the courage to put country over party.
I don't agree with most of Liz Cheneys politics. I totally agree with her patriotism. She stands
up for the rule of law and our Constitution. She has more heart than all of these Republikkkans that are in office.
She calls a criminal a criminal, gotta love that.
It's fine to agree and stand with Liz Cheney in this sliver of intersection on the venn diagram of anti-trumpism. But never forget that Liz Cheney is a lying LIAR. She has spewed out over and over about democrats killing live babies. She is NOT our Savior.
JFC ... we're still doing this "lionize Liz Cheney" thing?
Other than her not liking Trump, she's a horrible person from a long line of horrible people...
She boasted about voting for the con’s policies 90% of the time last time he was in office. He burned her just like he does everyone. Doesn’t make her a hero. Doing her job trying to remove him doesn’t get her any worship from me.
The mess we’re in can be traced back to the 2010 midterms when 18-24 year olds didn’t vote to “punish” Obama for gay marriage, weed and other factors. That was also the wrong time because he was working on the economy but…
No, there is a part of each party that cannot accept anyone not 110% agreement. Dems look for a reason not to vote for the candidate, the GOP just wants the win. Dems will agree with 99.99% of your points but still say no for the.01. I know many GOP that disagree 99% with Turdboy but still voted
After the first couple of weeks, where Harris was doing great and supporting policies Americans want, she decided she'd done enough of that and turned to Cheney and billionaires ... and lost a lot of folks.
I voted for her, but as the lesser of two evils, not from excitement (same as Biden)...
It's a good discussion as we do need to understand what is happening to this country. We have lost our way. We are spiraling out of control and what we are leaving for our children is definitely not hope. She could have done more, true, but in my opinion that should have started in 2020.
Money buys influence: politicians, media.
Influence creates power: laws, narratives, control.
Power gives money: monopolies, tax loopholes, and insider deals shape what people believe. Education shifts from critical thinking to obedience. When will people realize it is clearly a dictatorship.
I do. Not. Stand with that Republican who voted for trump and with Trump until she thought she could position herself to lead "post Trump" RNC.
She's no hero
This is a genuine REPUBLICAN! This is the type of republican that I am use 2. I am a democrat,however, she would be the type of republican that I could vote for.
As a lifelong democratic voter I stood with Liz Cheney because she possess a true north and a true sense of commitment to our nation, to the people and to our democracy. I don’t agree on some ideology but absolutely agree on rule of law and the process that protects our democracy.
Well I live to spite my father!
Don't ever confuse us.
The temper is the same but every Single little thing else is completely different - opposite in almost all cases.
So I CAN hear someone speak her own words. People, ALL people are multifaceted.
Please don’t get things twisted. Her disgusting rhetoric set the table for Trump and all this horrible bullshit hellscape crap.
to tRump34F and Musk! How wonderful! We need more Women to stand up against these grifters.
Is it that easy to forget why we're even in the current situation? Are we this desperate for someone in DC to act with a baseline of decency that we'd support people who don't respect us just because they kinda sorta eventually did something decent? Yuck.
sure you could work out your differences.
Now, they cry out in horror while taking no responsibility.
why would we trust her on anything?
i still know cheney is the enemy even if we agree on one point.
Love 💕 Liz!
They believe disrupting global security yields a nice profit for their firms.
Oh no, will be friends with Ruzzia, N Korea and China
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putin must be under real pressure to let
trump acting this way.
if our President is SUPER IGNORANT.
Never in my life, did I think I would see this day!
Liz is a strong, principled, intelligent, great woman. GOP🤡s🤬?
She's not afraid
Thank you
The world-domination-through-hatred fantasies of the elite patriarchy are irrelevant. The lie is dead.
We hear the call of our Mother Earth, who produces the seeds of life and we understand the truth of the reciprocity of life. For any of us to thrive we must all thrive.
So let's give her credit, but not THAT much credit.
Only one country has ever invoked Article 5 and that was the US for its illegal invasion of Afghanistan. The USSR no longer exists, the reason for NATO no longer exists. TRUTH.
Her father is a war criminal and traitor.
As much as I appreciate some strong words we hear from a few, action would be preferable
The enemy of my enemy is not always my friend.
Might have sat down with Stalin to defeat Hitler but afterwards: you ghosted, son.
Hard pass. The Cheneys are also atrocious human beings.
Please stop
It is her ilk that got us here in the first place. If we actually make it out of this, we need to demand radical change, or it will just happen again.
Fuck off Liz
Get them to the table to start negotiations.. stop feeding the meat grinder with no real plan!
EU/UK boots on the ground? WW3 knocking on the door!
Maybe would have been best to let Ukraine stay neutral instead of supporting a coup in 2013/2014? Good job Obama/Biden!
R Rapist
U Unhinged
M Moron
P Psycho
J Jackass
D Delusional
V Vicious
A Asshole
N Naive
C Corrupt
E Egomaniac
Most of Ukraine's mineral wealth is located in the "Ukrainian Shield," spanning territories like Luhansk, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhya, and Dnipropetrovsk — regions that are largely under Russian control.
Next Time
Listen to Black Woman when we call out the BS on people like her and other republicans who think they smarter than us
Your Not
Oh, wait. She already did so, in 2000.
And Roger Stone was in Florida leading the riots to stop the count.
up for the rule of law and our Constitution. She has more heart than all of these Republikkkans that are in office.
She calls a criminal a criminal, gotta love that.
Other than her not liking Trump, she's a horrible person from a long line of horrible people...
She boasted about voting for the con’s policies 90% of the time last time he was in office. He burned her just like he does everyone. Doesn’t make her a hero. Doing her job trying to remove him doesn’t get her any worship from me.
I voted for her, but as the lesser of two evils, not from excitement (same as Biden)...
Influence creates power: laws, narratives, control.
Power gives money: monopolies, tax loopholes, and insider deals shape what people believe. Education shifts from critical thinking to obedience. When will people realize it is clearly a dictatorship.
She's no hero
Don't ever confuse us.
The temper is the same but every Single little thing else is completely different - opposite in almost all cases.
So I CAN hear someone speak her own words. People, ALL people are multifaceted.