uhhh why you need to ask it's prima fascia! stop dancing around the facts of what they're doing and CALL THEM THE FUCK OUT ON NATIONAL TV, make them write EO's till their hands fall off!! then get on the news and send them a message from we the people won't be intimidated by a thug in white house
Look at the way Saudi Arabia, Russia and many other countries are run. Rulers with no controls who are surrounded by obscenely wealthy cliques who are given control of the main engines (corporations) that employ the bulk of the population and are the bulk of the GOP. Trump is making this happen
Perhaps seeing this catastrophe with their own eyes will be the wake-up call many red and purple voters need to start voting blue to protect their self-interests.
Resulting in a takeover of hitherto unassailable districts, and blue supermajorities needed for common-sense legislation
It is definitely true.......this is intentional, and will destroy us as a nation, if everyone doesn't snap out of it. There needs to be some serious justice here. We should call martial law and have all of them arrested for treason
i always heard that the capitalists without a conscience love a recession. it's like a big sale to them. properties for pennies on the dollar by people struggling to survive. stock prices at rock bottom prices, people needing to borrow money at crazy interest rates ....
In A February 2014 FOX news interview Trump said first the economy needs to crash, then there will be riots in the street, then he can make America great again. A sick theory Trump devised, not made up.
The twice-impeached CRIMINALLY CONVICTED FELON devised NOTHING; the groundwork for ALL of this was laid under Reagan, and Republicans have been planning this FOR DECADES.
#traitortrump and #fElonmusk are useful tools, especially since the Republican party threw in with Putin.
Reagan did not plan to crash the economy, or instigate protests so he could declare Martial Law. The GOP has been building support for decades to gain power, but not to crash the economy. Trump said this in 2014. Someone at the Heritage Foundation, or Putin inspired what he said. It's his plan now.
I think it escalated beyond what Reagan foresaw, as like #traitortrump, he was far from the sharpest tool in the shed, but I think things unfolded just as his handlers at G.E. and the Rand Corporation, among others, had planned.
3/ I should have said "threatening," rather than "warning, which would have been more accurate.
Check out the Rand Corporation, which is up there with the Heritage Foundation in helping to lay the groundwork for autocratic rule, and the planned disenfranchisement of the majority of our populace.
#traitortrump4Prison4LIFE was merely a symptom of their rot, and a useful tool.
The LAST Republican president who actually gave a damn about democracy, and had real morals, ethics, conscience, empathy, compassion, integrity, and honor, was Eisenhower.
Agreed! Eisenhower. Ruling has been goal, with a strong economy, & global muscle power. Not global embarrassment. Economy has mattered to Republicans, to conservatives. Trump not a conservative. This is a last ditch attempt, tanking the economy hurts business, conservatives. This is Putin's goal.
Not to mention that he made stock buy-backs legal again, after they had been made illegal to address the vast wealth disparities during the Gilded Age.
In doing so, he STOPPED WAGE GROWTH in its tracks, and ushered in the VAST WEALTH TRANSFER of the past forty years, CREATING the billionaire class.
The Republicans have been "predicting" (aka warning) that an economic crash was coming FOR AT LEAST FORTY YEARS, because, quite frankly, it SUITS THEIR AGENDA.
The push toward fascism DIDN'T start with #traitortrump, it actually started UNDER NIXON, but Reagan pushed it into overdrive.
Trump is a malignant narcissist, which means that his main impulse is toward death and destruction. Psychologically, Trump wants to annihilate the U.S.
Whether it is intentional or not is rather beside the point.
Absolutely. And it's technically a personality disorder, rather than a mental illness, one that is particularly difficult to treat, not least because the narcissist doesn't admit to any error or problem.
The Republicans have been planning this FOR DECADES.
Musk, on the other hand, is both malevolent and relatively competent.
Resulting in a takeover of hitherto unassailable districts, and blue supermajorities needed for common-sense legislation
#traitortrump and #fElonmusk are useful tools, especially since the Republican party threw in with Putin.
Check out the Rand Corporation, which is up there with the Heritage Foundation in helping to lay the groundwork for autocratic rule, and the planned disenfranchisement of the majority of our populace.
#traitortrump4Prison4LIFE was merely a symptom of their rot, and a useful tool.
The LAST Republican president who actually gave a damn about democracy, and had real morals, ethics, conscience, empathy, compassion, integrity, and honor, was Eisenhower.
Full stop.
In doing so, he STOPPED WAGE GROWTH in its tracks, and ushered in the VAST WEALTH TRANSFER of the past forty years, CREATING the billionaire class.
His slashing of the upper tier tax rate from 72% to 28% was ANYTHING but conservative, and HARMED our economy.
He effectively wiped out the middle class with an evil stroke of his pen.
The push toward fascism DIDN'T start with #traitortrump, it actually started UNDER NIXON, but Reagan pushed it into overdrive.
They sure as fuck are!
Whether it is intentional or not is rather beside the point.
And there is a non-zero chance it's a conspiracy to please Vlad. Elon and the Donald are Putin's two favorite Americans.
We've definitely been ruled by an oligarchy/kleptocracy before. I don't know that we've ever NOT been in one, in my lifetime at least.