They're morons. Worse, they're morons who don't know they're morons and can't tell they're morons even when everything happening around them is pointing to the fact they're morons.
If I were as lucky as that man; I would be so fucking angry I would be fighting tooth and nail to free my wife and bring her home! WTF is wrong with men like this??? Why marry someone unless you're planning to stay together for ever? Yeah, I'm old fashion; that kind of commitment is sacred!
Proof that these dumbasses are so into the cult that they would gladly put their loved one on the altar of slaughter to gain their leader's favor. They would consider it a sacred honor and celebrate it festively.
Vielleicht hat er sich nur eine Frau gesucht, die in völliger Abhängigkeit von ihm ist. Vermutlich wird er sich scheiden lassen und eine neue, arme Frau ausbeuten, bis auch die abgeschoben wird.
It’s sad to say, but I’m honestly not surprised. So many MAGA-forevers in my own family. I don’t even talk to them anymore. Nothing changes their minds. Emotional appeals (“what if that was your kid/wife/husband”) certainly don’t.
I didn't like that silly thing called freedom anyway. I can always get another wife but this might be my last shot at a dictator so we have to do what he says.
I know, I know, everything is more expensive but that's just the price you have to pay.
Where is your wife now? Where she belongs, in jail with Melania and Usha , sleeping on a concrete floor with no pillow and aluminium foil for a blanket.
So he says. One thing I've learned about MAGA and just Republicans in general is they will go down with the ship before admitting regret or they're wrong. Loyal to a fault. And Trumpvangelicals who believe Felon 47 was chosen by "God" won't admit fault because then their "God" would be wrong.
The Russian word VATNIK(S) can be used to refer to MAGA, TRUMP SUPPORTERS, WHITE CHRISTIAN NATIONALISTS and anyone pushing and believing the BULLSHIT Putin and Trump Administration's feeding them. It's a derogatory word for a dumbass brainwashed cult-like devotion to something that is false.
She has dodged a bullet the size of Bullet Bill.
I really hope that she divorces him and finds someone that is so much better, as long as he isn't a maggot he will be.
#MAGAIsWeird and #MAGAMorons
#VoteBlueToSaveAmerica #VoteBlueToProtectWomensRights
These maga's never stop being usless to civil society.
I know, I know, everything is more expensive but that's just the price you have to pay.