There's this creeping movement in technology, of us becoming less and less owners of the things, the digital content we have bought. Amazon is changing the way you own books. Up til now, when you bought a book for your Kindle, you could back it up locally. Not any more, starting February 26th.
But yeah, this the opposite of what books are all about - learning and sharing.
Corporations know nothing about love.
Speaking of Amazon and threats, if you're smart you will keep Alexa out of your life.
I don't want anything more to do with Bezos or the other trump bootlickers.
Having a real book is so much better IMO. Libraries are my go to now for reading.
Google, Amazon and meta are way too powerful!
Can you imagine the company that manufactured your laptop, tablet, or phone deleting files from it without your permission?
I've bought my last Kindle ebook. Rakuten Kobo ecosystem, here I come!
The opposite, of course, of capitalism, and the online version of what holds back India and Pakistan.
You should too.