. . . That's how it happens for everyone, no?
[He's being dense on purpose, not wanting to give this dude any of the attention he craves.]
You know how to break the curse, so tell me.
[He's being dense on purpose, not wanting to give this dude any of the attention he craves.]
You know how to break the curse, so tell me.
(He smiled still glaring at him)
You two fought and he nearly couldn’t hold it in, and he still feels oh so guilty about getting mad at
I might know the cure for it, but where is the fun in tell it? Besides it still speeds up things, tell me has his stomach become noticeably big yet?
Listen, I will only say this once.
If you give us the way to cure it, and it works.
Then you can kill me. I can even pretend to fight back.
Like hell -
(He’s hitting his husbands arm, how the hell he got here I don’t know, maybe it’s not really him who knows—)
[He carefully held his wife's wrists, no more hitting please. Even though it is pretty cute.]
Think about it, it's a guarantee you and the babies will be fine! My life is a cheap price to pay.
..Im not letting you do such a thing