Honestly. There is a whole industry of porn that lets men associate sexual pleasure with rape. Ok, hashtag not all men, but perhaps think about why so much of porn is dedicated to degrading and violating women, while the viewer enjoys their orgasm.
Tbh, pretty much all porn degrades women anyway, even when the theme isn't overtly sexually aggressive, because porn is not sensual like irl sex usually is. It's a bigger problem with adolescent boys who think that sex is/should be like that.
I agree with your opinion. For me, and as a man, the level of misogyny is a primary indicator of a sick or dangerous person, group, or institution. The case described in the article is one of the most terrible things that I've heard about so far.
While I personally believe that the porn industry has made notable positive strides by producing content for a mixed audience rather than solely for men, the fact that rape-themed or violent content exists as a category- and has demand- is deeply disturbing.
That said, I don’t think pornography turns people into rapists any more than video games turn people into killers. However, personal preferences within certain "entertainment" categories do reveal a lot about someone's character.
This is why I’ve often told my female friends: "If you want to understand who you're dating, ask the guy to show you his porn collection" (and I’m not joking).
How does society tell men they can do this ? I am pretty sure no one in my life at any level has ever said that rape is good. Pretty much the complete opposite.
And like clockwork, the 'not all men' brigade feeling the compelling need to comment. They WERE and ARE ordinary men! Thank u for sharing Sianushka. For the rest it's an instant 🚫 for me! I just don't have the patience!
Please be assured the ordinary man is just as disgusted and outraged by mass rape, or any rape, as any woman is. Society does not tell men we can do this, quite the opposite. We share your anger here completely.
Parents tell little boys their body is rude, teachers tell little boys looking is rude, tv tells little boys girls/women are commodities, social media tells little boys females are there to titilate them...
This is a societal problem, and it won't go away with harsher punishment. To stop ♂️s thinking that ♀️s are commodities to use, or something to be controlled, we need a radical shift in social norms.
Parents tell little girls their body is to make babies, teachers tell little girls their body provoke the boys, tv tells little girls boys are supposed to desire them, social media tells little girls showing off their bodies is an acceptable way route to success...
And that’s why Gisèle is so brave, an ordinary woman forcing people to see this for what it is — in opposition to complicit female celebrities excusing male behaviour.
I doubt this is as rare as it looks. Spiking as we know exists. I've supervised something similar to this horrific case, not drugging, but a woman too terrified to say no. How many others?
This article brought home to me that Pelicot’s behaviour was not that uncommon. There are Internet forums dedicated to this, and apparently plenty of takers.
2 female PM in 30 years, and high levels of femicide.
Really not surprised this could happen in France.
Because they were signs her husband was a F. 🐷 way before he instigated the rapes.
I am quite familiar with this level of dissonance, see it everywhere in my family - maddening. It’s a trap for both parties.