Autistic people are often criticised for reading too much into things and catastrophising. People don't want to listen despite our predictions being pretty accurate thanks to our pattern recognition abilities. I think the real issue is we often highlight what others want hidden.
Even small challenges to core personal fictions may be felt as a great assault.
Ones’ brain recognizes the effort reorganizing would take, and rejects it outright.
Our luck that we tend to push those buttons accidentally. :/
There's a reason they don't buy newspapers and watch the news, but love "reality" shows.
of Hyperborea, Atlantis, Lemuria, where we raised
Black steles to the flippered goat who taught us
Numbers & alphabets..."
---Jesse Glass
I can't even hide my own shittiness from myself.
I wish more folks, NT or ND, were self aware. Maybe we'd all be less shitty to eachother.