Make medical care inaccessible and unaffordable:
1. Destroy ACA.
2. Increase cost of insurance and medicine.
Remove preventive care and sanitary measure:
3. No FDA
4. No vaccines
5. Drink raw milk
This is what I dont understand about Democratic leadership asking us to make friends with the right becuz they feel we are elitist for believing in science and facts. Trust me, giving them room to promote their nonsense will backfire & embolden them more. We need to continue fighting with the truth.
1. Destroy ACA.
2. Increase cost of insurance and medicine.
Remove preventive care and sanitary measure:
3. No FDA
4. No vaccines
5. Drink raw milk
It seems to me that Republicans hate Republicans.
I really hope that was melting ice cream or even cottage cheese, omg! 🫣