If he’s going to vehemently support ONLY Christianity then maybe he should know that in his religion Jesus is the SON of God, not God the Father. Just sayin’.
So many people try for a baby doll and can't have one. He had a gift bestowed upon him and immediately tried to get rid of it. He should be forced to keep this gift for the rest of his life. That's what baby Jesus would have wanted.
Somebody told this kid that Jesus is god. Its not like he was capable of reading it somewhere. Hence the entire concept of religion. Its all secondhand stories that have been adjusted to suit the story teller for political or monetary gain.
How many of these people have met Jesus Christ? I would say none! Yet they continually try and force someone who they don’t even know down our throats!
Pretty sure Paul demanded marriage before kids, but he also hated marriage & kids and said they are both a sin, and to only marry if your sin is too great and you have to make kids, you at least should marry before then according to him. I don't think Christ said anything about marriage before kids.
Hands = емртy