I'm not gonna be nice to Nazis.
They didn't vote for lower grocery prices. They voted because Trump hates the same people they do.
There's a time to be nice and a time to be shamed.
They didn't vote for lower grocery prices. They voted because Trump hates the same people they do.
There's a time to be nice and a time to be shamed.
But these aren't gentle little porcelain dolls.
These are people who are okay with concentration camps, taking away the rights of marginalized groups of people, and bastardizing the message of Jesus.
First you OWN your fuck ups, THEN we form relationships.
People aren’t going to side with you if you actively hate and shame them for what they believe.
Educate YOURSELF. We are a vain, ignorant, hyper individualistic society and have been for generations. We throw our parents into nursing homes when they're a bother. We throw out children into treatment centers when they are a chore.
I understand the frustration though. I’m consistently mad whenever I check the news.
We got a remember, it's about a third of the country who voted MAGA. It's our job to get the ones who stayed at home off their asses.
A middle finger to the right people can help fire up the complacent.
And remember who started this hate-fest, too. It's been coming from the Right since the 90s.
I’m not saying we side with Trump voters. What I am saying is I’ve never convinced a Trump supporter of my stance by being mean to them. Being nice and talking it out has worked much better.
And even when they are civil, inevitably they start declaring uncomfortable facts to be fake news. At that point, there's nothing to be done. They don't want to engage seriously.
You can have a heart of hate and supremacy while still having the outwardly appearance of being kind.
My mother is one of them. Infinitely sweet and polite.
Hates anyone who isn't white.
They're either hateful or stupid. They should be called on both
Hang in there. Find your joy.
Joy is an act of resistance.
I'm not gentle parenting this.
I left the GOP in the 80s over the unbelievably shocking corruption of Iran-Contra and never voted conservative again. If I can realize my errors and completely change my political philosophy over principles, so can they.
They need to decry that, not just whine they are badly treated.