Can confirm, had lunch at his table once, he was a robotic non-entity while consuming food and waiting for his moment - at the end he was visibly possessed by a demon as he stood up to deliver his speech full of empty promises.
In person he was very charismatic (after "I'm eating lunch and not engaging with anybody" mode - in other words: after the demon took over), you really felt like he meant what he said and he told us just about everything we want to hear.
For the hundreds at our meeting, he left and did nothing.
Assumes facts not in evidence. Where’s the proof little Marco ever had a soul? If Satan made a deal for it, he may not be the evil genius we have always thought.
I'm old enough to remember when Trump mocked him relentlessly on the '16 primaries campaign trail. Those hitching their wagons to the ghoul train deserve the ghoul label imo.
It’s worse when the toadying little bastards know that what is happening is wrong but go along with it.
Little Marko watched his soul fly out the window.
For the hundreds at our meeting, he left and did nothing.
He is worse.
He sold it years ago.
This is what he helped bring about & wanted so I hope he never knows peace. Ever.
Little Marko watched his soul fly out the window.
stress eating 😬