All these Republicans claiming to be Christian, attaching terms and conditions to basic human decency. They’re Bad Samaritans, every one of them. They would have walked right on by the traveler at the side of the road and probably kicked him in the head for good measure.
If it was even hypothetically possible to get rid of all the trees in, say, the Santa Monica Mountains, those trees do a really good job at absorbing rain. Without them mudslides would bury LA.
Okay well maybe California should call for halting of funds provided by California taxpayers to states like Ohio that clearly can’t get their shit together.
Let’s cut down all the trees in S. CA, eliminate all the brush everywhere by raking it all clean, right down to the bare dirt. That will prevent these fires once and for all.
Per Wikipedia - Davidson voted against disaster relief for Puerto Rico and against raising the debt limit to provide Hurricane Harvey relief. No surprise.
The California wildfires are no more mismanagement than, say, the "9 drought events, 5 flooding events, 2 freeze events, 69 severe storm events, 6 tropical cyclone events, and 12 winter storm events" occurring in Ohio between 1980 and 2024.
Better idea-- California should withhold it's Federal tax payments to cover disaster relief. This asshat would be screaming bloody murder about that in about 3 seconds.
Disasters often show us the best and worst aspects of humanity. This headline grab by an imbecile represents the worst; do not elect this level of corruption.
It would be 100% completely different. If it was in his neighborhood, his family, his friends his house owns. Then it would be different then he would be begging for help hypocrite.
California pays more in federal taxes than Ohio does. Maybe we need to institute a policy where each state only receives federal dollars up until they reach the amount they paid. Then let’s see how these welfare red states survive.
I cannot call this dude a congressman, what a stupid idiotic idea! A great Trumper, only thinking about himself and his state. Karma has a way of getting even.
States that don't contribute more to the national budget than they take, should not have a say in how money is spent. They've already proved their incompetence.
When it's your money to spend, you can flap your jaw about it!
Disgusting. Disasters should unite us, not divide us. Holding aid hostage to political demands undermines the spirit of cooperation and coming together in times of crisis. Americans deserve leadership that prioritizes their safety and well-being over partisanship.
next big Tornado or hurricane that pIows through the Southern States, I'II pay attention to what MAGA says and what RepubIican response is compared to the idiocy I'm hearing about California
I condemn this utter twat I for a fact that yhis baboon would be on the house floor demanding that financial support be expedited if something like this happened in Ohio I call this fraud and corruption this guy is showing is entirely disqualifying bs
He's from Ohio. Next, he will complain about funding to his state when they have issues. I get so tired of these kinds of people who could care less about other people that don't align with his interests.
Just yesterday I looked at congressional maps of 2 southern states, 1986 to present. Just the visual gives you the creeps. Anyway, my conclusion: they are not elected by the people, simply impossible to have a 80/90% Republican voter base.
So stupid. It is not “forests” that are on fire. It is streets of homes, and the fire embers are spreading due to strong wind. Could happen anywhere if circumstances line up for it. Happened on Island of Maui last year, also not a forest.
Do better @GOP
Funny ... when that train derailed and spilled toxic chemicals in East Palestine Ohio... our piece of shit governor mike (leprechaun) dewine and this piece of shit demanded federal funds for the clean up. That area of Ohio is tRump counry... maybe President Biden should have given them the finger!
At first dewine refused to call it a disaster because the state republicunts didn't want to publicly take funds from President Biden. Those people deserved all the help they could get from this. Nice way to take care of your constituents...
I think his salary should be withheld until he educates himself on what he's giving opinions about. The mountains and hills currently on fire are not "forests"
If it’s not the UNITED States, then I see no reason for California to stay a part of the US
Since they account for a large portion of the US GDP, I can’r imagine how bad things will get in red states without Cali
I’m in. Certainly stop contributing to federal coffers. Or maybe just
Plain secede. Oregon and Washington would follow suit and we could
Be another Canadian province. I’m up for that.
Asshole . Gavin Newsom has been preparing for this kind uncalled bullshit for last 4 years . This why Hollywood elites are stepping up donating. . This is so wrong .dangerous . 🥵🥵🥵
Unfortunately, this TOOL is my congressman in Ohio District 8. Here's a video we created about him a few years ago. Please feel free to share and EXPOSE Reb. Davidson for the complete hypocrite and A-Hole that he has aways been. 🤬
These people are the issue. Unfortunately it’s only going to get worse. I’m glad that there are still good people around the world like Canada and Mexico coming to help!
Man this guy is dumber than a door nob. .... I take that back. Door nobs actually do something constructive that benefits everyone.
One of the defining characteristics of those on the right is a lack of empathy. If it's not affecting Republicans they don't give a damn.
4 years of this is coming
Let’s cut down all the trees in S. CA, eliminate all the brush everywhere by raking it all clean, right down to the bare dirt. That will prevent these fires once and for all.
- A Republican probably.
Even a fool is thought wise if he keeps silent, and discerning if he holds his tongue.
This makes it look like they had a part in the fire being started.
They’ve hit this thing from every angle. Sad
Nor does he / they know that forest management is primarily handled by the federal government in many parts of California. And other places.
Or if they know it, they lie.
When it's your money to spend, you can flap your jaw about it!
2 can play that dance of death.
I'll bet he voted against it . . .
Do better @GOP
The responses are coming.
Fucking despicable pieces of shit
WHAT is the reason for WITHHOLDING AID???
We can save money on Florida and the Carolinas.
I don't think they were well prepared for the storm.
Since they account for a large portion of the US GDP, I can’r imagine how bad things will get in red states without Cali
Plain secede. Oregon and Washington would follow suit and we could
Be another Canadian province. I’m up for that.