tRump is still spreading their lies about Social Security Benefits.
No, Donald, 150-Year-Olds Aren’t Collecting Social Security Benefits
No, Donald, 150-Year-Olds Aren’t Collecting Social Security Benefits
Talking about SS is all a distraction. They will never touch it.
"Er yes... there is John Smith, and Johnathan Smithers, Jon Smythe, Joan Smith, Jonny Smithy, Johnston Smitheries, Johan LeSmithman, Johnny McSmithguy, John Mackle-smith, JonJon McSmithysmith, John Longjohnsmithereens, Johanistan Smitheroodles, and Jeff Smith. See! LOTS!"
It's not that common.
I would not be surprised if he tries and executes Biden/Dems given his most recent comments.
the info ..
he lied .. that's what he is king of .. lying
it is perfect 💯
Without the truth, arguments are weak.
So why the lies whenever Trump speaks?
Stupid? Misinformed? Flooding the zone?
Nope. Lies are a narcissist’s cornerstone.
MAGA believe Trump doesn’t lie & Trump says he’s most honest person there is.
Later, I emailed her links to 3 articles debunking this nonsense, from Associated Press, Forbes & NBC.
I bet she trashed the email and went on her way. 😡
Before even US was created.
Nice work if you can get it.
It's for a part of his audience.
That’s weird right? 🤔
No, there aren't any real or fake 150-year-olds.