"Ohhh," with all the sheets now in the ovens, all they had to do was sit and wait while the torment of the smell of baking cookies infused the walls and filled every bit of air.
"I've had my fair share of bad experiences with 'gods' so I got wary pretty fast." She took her gloves off and dumped
"I've had my fair share of bad experiences with 'gods' so I got wary pretty fast." She took her gloves off and dumped
"It was very nice of you to volunteer to help me."
"Oh, it wasn't hard for me to help! I like to cook. And help. And it was very interesting! It's not every day you find yourself in a place made of shadows!" she smiled.
Cienn withdrew a small lemon poppyseed muffin from a bin and offered it to Bellara. "Want a snack?"
She looked around again and stopped gaze at Cienn "Yeah, it should be really interesting here! And lots of new people every day! Hallie?"
She slid her hand inside the bin and withdrew another cupcake, then lightly tossed it to Bellara and leaned back against the counter.
"Hallie is my daughter. Weird, uh, time shenanigans made that happen; she came back in time to help me with something."
"Oh, daughter." Bellara smiled at the corner of her mouth. "And... time shenanigans? Um, I've heard about time magic in Thedas, but it didn't work very well."