They want back in. When Lewandowski defamed me on their show in 2016, they refused my requests to have me on to defend myself and refute his claims. They wouldn’t even agree to state on the air that I dispute his claims. I even had receipts. And I’d known Joe since he was a freshman congressman.
Reposted from
Jeff (Gutenberg Parenthesis) Jarvis
Oh, Lord. Joe and Mika went to Mar-a-lago. "What we did agree on," Mika said, "was to restart communications." Access. "He seemed interested in finding common ground with Democrats." Credulity. They revert to their mean.
Nothing to see there. Move along.
(normal translation)
Problem is those are the last things they been selling us since 2015
Hitlerization of America is complete
“Trump said this.”
It will NOT be, “Trump said this, and it’s a lie.”
We’ve been doing this for 9 years.
And my blood pressure and mental well being has never been better
I'll take "Things That Never Happened" for $500, Bob
Fk your “value”!!!
What that didn’t HAPPEN?
What about the CHILDREN in CAGES, what that didn’t HAPPEN?
Nothing to reset but only to sweep under the RUG!
#MorningJoe you LOST your VIEWERSHIP!
Can’t NORMALIZE him!
Kissing the RING - hoping to NOT be on his Retribution LIST!
In old America, POTUS’s ordering assassinations would be illegal.
#MorningJoe #GoodNightMorningJoe
They’ve fully bowed & bent the knee knowing trump has specifically named then as enemies
The conclusion is FAILURE.
I am so angry at their abdication.
Professionally and personally, may they have nothing but the worst coming.
And you progressive women, the ones who have slavishly kissed the meat puppet/adulterer, the vacuous Bimbo’s ass by supporting her own “Worth” grift, my eyes are on you too.
I called this a long time ago!
They are a big reason he got attention on the national scene back then.
To hell with them.
Starbucks drinking snobs!
Zig would be dismayed!