As someone with an actual degree in science, I’m here to tell you that “dOiNg YoUr OwN rEsEaRcH” by looking up fringe conspiracy theories online, is not, in fact, research.
As someone with an actual degree in science, I’m here to tell you that “dOiNg YoUr OwN rEsEaRcH” by looking up fringe conspiracy theories online, is not, in fact, research.
ThEiR ReSeArCh: Owning a horse is good for your health
Reality: people who can afford a horse have better access to health care and a high quality of life
Physics degree here. "My OwN ReSeArCh" drives me INSANE.
But so many people in this country can hardly read, let alone draw conclusions from scientific articles written for laymen.
Being multi-dimensional AND vocal is good things will change
Great page BTW