A new Ipsos poll shows that three in ten Canadians would “consider” annexation by the U.S. if our southern neighbours offered U.S. citizenship and the conversion of their financial assets to American dollars.
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Why would you even do a poll like this? This is just normalizing this "idea" of Elon Musk's who wants to own every Western nation. STOP normalizing this. Stop it.
FUCK NO! We'd be annexed like Puerto Rico and not even get to have our votes count for anything. Gun laws, healthcare all would go under the bus. This isn't just about money. This is about being a traitor or not to Canadian values.
This is how Canada acquired Newfoundland. NFLD, once given the choice, voted twice to join the US, both cancelled. What got them, to vote for inclusion into Canada, on the third vote was the promise of Unemployment Insurance.
Ipsos showing its true colours eh? Asking questions as though the soon to be US government could be trusted? So they can suck people in? Whoever this polling group are, they're free to get US citizenship and convert whatever they want - and leave the rest of us the hell alone! #cdnpoli
And 999 out of 1000 who said they would consider annexation by the US were lying through their teeth to the person who took the poll.
They said they would when they knew they wouldn't because they felt like jerking Ipsos around for wasting everybody's time with another meaningless poll.
No parental leave. Going bankrupt for any medical event. Kids doing active shooter drills at schools. Being ruled by weird religious guys that usually turn out to be perverts and pedophiles. Not even the illusion of equality with men. Oh yeah, gimme some of that!
I thought Canadians were smarter than this.
(Kidding. Probably get similar numbers asking if Americans would "consider" being annexed by Canada. Cheap healthcare please.)
the number is higher than that - you get to be 40% richer overnight!!! A number of states have free post secondary tuition for teachers, nurse’s etc. They pay you 10,000 a year after graduation if you stay in state…Canada doesn’t such thing with the exception of a few medical jobs in the far north
No it said 7 in 10 don't support annexation. This could have been a story in support of Canadians bolstering Canada. Instead it was used to "make the case" to throw our country away. F that . If I hadn't already quit beforehand I'd quit my subscription #theStarTraitor #theStarUnsubcribe
Did poll make every recipient read The Clarity Act? Probably not. You can't just secede and it would take a year of votes to just give up being Canadian. Which is completely stupid. So why is theStar peddling this garbage? Stop playing Trump's game of ignorance and domination. Stop the traitors
Stop playing Trump's game and support the Canadians who want to be Canadian, a majority, not keep reporting on those who want to leave. This is just Manufacturing Consent to sellout the nation by poll
How were the respondents chosen? I didn’t see the word “random” anywhere. People responded online so it makes me wonder.
Can you explain the difference between margin of error and “credibility intervals”? Lastly, could you focus on informing people about what is at stake, instead the odds?
While that's a way higher number than I expected, the reality is that over 8 million Canadians are immigrants who fled overpopulation, violence, corruption, poverty, etc. - a lot of which probably had Canada as their second or even third choice. Lots of Canadians also move to the US for wages.
There are also a certain percentage of Canadians who like the USA for various reasons - their gun laws, their cheap beer, their cheap gas, their politics, their low taxes, etc.
"30% of Canadians would consider collaboration with foreign occupation if they thought they could see modest financial benefit." Awesome. Danielle Smith has her base support right there.
They said they would when they knew they wouldn't because they felt like jerking Ipsos around for wasting everybody's time with another meaningless poll.
I thought only Americans were stooopid enough for a Nazi Goat Fvck 🐐. I doubt we survive.
(Kidding. Probably get similar numbers asking if Americans would "consider" being annexed by Canada. Cheap healthcare please.)
Ipsos run a similar poll in California the other way. Just stop with the stupid shit.
Spineless clickbait seeking shit organization.
Who funded this ridiculous poll?
And they're called traitors.
Can you explain the difference between margin of error and “credibility intervals”? Lastly, could you focus on informing people about what is at stake, instead the odds?