#StarExclusive: New research from University of Toronto scientists suggests that a diet low in carbohydrates and fibre could heighten one’s risk of colorectal cancer — and it all has to do with bacteria in the gut.
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This is a rodent study which should not be extrapolated to humans, as the study’s authors warn. The first sentence in the story is therefore misleading. It’s also not an “exclusive” b/c the study is published in a journal. We need better health reporting than this. #cdnhealth
You know, sometimes people who smoke don't get lung cancer. Sometimes people who drive a car without a seatbelt aren't killed in a car accident. Sometimes people who play Russian roulette don't blow their brains out.
In medicine, multiple articles are required to confirm a thesis. This is yet one more study to confirm the relationship between low fiber diets and colorectal cancer. The press needs to stop treating independent articles as definitive news.
Dear Toronto star reporter, the issue of fiber and carbohydrates in the gut lowering the risk of colon cancer has been known for maybe 30 years now? This is not new news, but it is a typical example of how the press treats an article related to an important medical concept. Continued.
We knew what happens but now we have a better idea if the underlying mechanism aka the bacteria being involved. Knowing that the microbiome possibly influences cancer risk is huge and goes beyond diet.
"Eat carbs, or else you get colon cancer"
and yes, sauerkraut and yogurt help. I wonder how much money was spent coming to these conclusions.
and we need the information because we are poisoning ourselves with our modern lifestyles.
If we did not poison ourselves, we would not need the information.