The mess of there being absolutely no back up plan. It was his decision to roll into this season with two complete unknowns behind Carr. Hell, I think you could almost blame Carr’s injury on him. We’ve spent the past 4 years taking o-linemen in the first round and still have a porous line.
#NFL teams can’t survive injuries to the extent the #Saints have experienced this season… I.E. #49ers #Cowboys #Jaguars #Dolphins There aren’t enough high end backups in the world to fill those needs! Mark my words that the #Lions injuries will very soon catch up to them too!
I think I was too vague in my original post. “This mess” isn’t a 30-something point loss against Green Bay. It’s a team whose only hope for next year is 8 or 9 wins (in a division that is absolutely open) but only IF everyone stays healthy. And we’ll be picking 10th once again this year.
such is the cycle of the #NFL… the #Patriots are going through it now too… and so will every team! As fans we are far too irrational about how much our team should have success… every year, there’s 1 in 32 (.03125%) that get to where they really want to go?! that 3% is so dependent on many factors