I THINK THEY DO THOUGH 🥲 idk why people are doom posting.. the changes look cool (except the fire cast reduction outside LL) IM DOOM POSTING ABT THE CRAFTED GEAR BEING AVAILABLE ON PATCH RELEASE !! (A healthy & good change for the masses, but a bad change for my hour 1-6 pf gear selling business)
I have not been in chaotic since January 6th HAHA ,, I made 0 gil and 0 cents off my chaotic runs ,, I did 47 clears in a week and all I got to show for it was 2 mounts I do not use
I have not been in chaotic since January 6th HAHA ,, I made 0 gil and 0 cents off my chaotic runs ,, I did 47 clears in a week and all I got to show for it was 2 mounts I do not use