I think what I am supposed to post as a comment is the meme of the butterfly briefly extending a big thumb-up to the guy and then going back to whatever it was doing with its friends.
Yes! I think they come here for some gotcha screenshot so they can post it back to their mouth breathing pals to suck on, so childish and lame for an adult
It's really hard to think critically when you have the mental capacity of an inbred 6 year old 🤣
But then again, they worship a sociopath who speaks at a 4th grade level and is two feet and one gargantuan ass cheek deep into dementia, so is it really their fault?
In this case though it's more like "you can't fix ignorance". This is performative stupidity, a choice and one that is gonna ruin things for everyone just to get one-up on a handful of people.
And it's funny looking back at what Twitter is becoming.
But then again, they worship a sociopath who speaks at a 4th grade level and is two feet and one gargantuan ass cheek deep into dementia, so is it really their fault?
Unfortunately, it is also very, very true.