This, fortunately, doesn't change much for me. Facebook was already stupid before this so I essentially just used it for the market place and that's it.
It's a real Sherlock-level mystery why all the real people are leaving FB in droves and have to be replaced by bots to make up the numbers for advertisers.
The way these white middle aged billionaire tech bros are SUCH creepy weirdos and interact with others like aliens freshly arrived to earth.
Actually, women are naturally attracted to alpha males, yet society teaches them otherwise, leading to a life slowly consumed with isolation. Who's responsible for this subversion?
That aside, holy fuck, this is so crass!
step 2. rejoice!
And have been for a long time.
The way these white middle aged billionaire tech bros are SUCH creepy weirdos and interact with others like aliens freshly arrived to earth.
Nobody will be left to interact with. Gotta maintain the illusion somehow.
Because how dare i point out their dehumanizing misogyny. 😒