This is why I love that video of the guy asking women who walked on the moon first and all the women in the replies asking him who did the math to get the first man on the moon (when women weren’t yet allowed to be astronauts).
Just checked out his X replies tab.
He got on a similar thread about insanely talented women in STEM and prattled on about his dad inventing satellites.
And about his own book.
Dad may have invented something but Dick has trouble reading a room.
The ones who talk over us, let us answer in meetings and then take credit, harass women online saying "men invented everything!", who mansplain our own professions at us & assume we got the job cause of our tits
@AskAubry 🦝 what's your evidence for this?? 🤣🤣 what an utter idiot. It's a matter of historic record. Corgi's answer is fucking beautiful though. Like the evidence is in the fucking post 😂
I know this isn't the main point, but there's a very well done description of Lamarr's contribution near the beginning of the Acquired podcast's Qualcomm episode.
I have a policy now where I don't waste my time educating men that could solve their ignorance with a quick Internet search. I am not their Google.
Despite their protests, they don't want to learn something. They want to use my labor in their virtue signal.
He's just a sad little micro-dicked nonentity, trying to get noticed. He could have googled it, but he chose to go straight for denial (which isn't a river in Egypt, in case he can't be bothered to check that either). Pathetic.
Because typing "Hedy Lamarr patent" into a search engine is sooo difficult, Richard. But hey, at least some more people got to learn a cool fact about Hedy Lamarr while also learning that Richard Easton's a misogynist prick.
I dare say, Mr Dick Head, that the evidence was lodged at the Patent Office, just like it says in the post.
That's an easy fact to check.
Have you heard of Google?
You'll love it.
It's full of other facts you can question the legitimacy of.
Plus if you engaged more, you'd have to teach the fuckwit what frequency hopping is, why it's important, how it's used, and what is not possible without it. And all the maths.
It's an exhausting conversation when you have to do this with Dunning-Kruger morons!
We can add June McCarroll to the list of genius women. In 1917 she painted the first lane separator lines on a stretch of highway in CA. The accident rate plummeted to zero in that area. Not long afterward lane lines went global.
I am shocked at how many Americans don’t know this about her. She was a genius who only did movies for the money. Her true love and talent was physics. Can you imagine being a woman that smart in her time period? I’m sure she had to overcome many social hurdles in her life.
By being a dick
Trivia: She had the first "orgasm" on film. Scandalous!
Actually, he believes (without evidence) that women don’t have the capability to accomplish great things.
That identifies him as a right winger (aka “dick”). You have all the evidence you need for that.
He got on a similar thread about insanely talented women in STEM and prattled on about his dad inventing satellites.
And about his own book.
Dad may have invented something but Dick has trouble reading a room.
Women know them well.
The ones who talk over us, let us answer in meetings and then take credit, harass women online saying "men invented everything!", who mansplain our own professions at us & assume we got the job cause of our tits
Despite their protests, they don't want to learn something. They want to use my labor in their virtue signal.
That's an easy fact to check.
Have you heard of Google?
You'll love it.
It's full of other facts you can question the legitimacy of.
To be a dick on Twitter can make you a fortune. These people don't mind selling their souls, or having a trashy rep the rest of their lives.
It's always about the $$.
It's an exhausting conversation when you have to do this with Dunning-Kruger morons!
Hard pass!