Shock and a strong urge to swerve violently honking across all lanes, but I have learnt that those urges are not helpful because at best you scratch your car. Then I would chug along and conclude that the problem is not my driving. Then I would sing to the radio and relax. I can’t steer their car. X
Once the initial, fully justified rage has subsided, I’d try to switch my focus from the rude and unsolicited advice, to what I thought was the best and right action in the situation, based on my values, and not those of some opinionated jackass prick… aw dang, focusing on them again
I’d ask what lane was that exactly and for what reasons I should be staying in it.
Then most likely mirror signal manoeuvre with guns blazing if it’s a defo road block
Hopefully not in front of erstwhile twat but I’ve been there & done that - but luckily I got an unlikely break through a sideways move - and he who said it ended up out the door (for other reasons) so they don’t always win
Then most likely mirror signal manoeuvre with guns blazing if it’s a defo road block
Good lucks