There’s also the thorny question of how such things would be policed. Are you a woman who looks a bit like a man? Maybe you have hairy legs? Short hairstyle? Muscly? The bathroom police will be after you. This will lead a mysogynistic push to ensure women look and behave “like women should do”
If I was in the slightest bit concerned about this issue, I'd be more worried about sharing a single space bathroom with a gay person. But it has never once concerned me.
I think the thing that baffles me more than anything is that out of all the groups the bigots could have accused of being predators these idiots chose the one thats near universally on treatments that heavily inhibit your sex drive for ages...
Yep. Just dickheads looking for a scapegoat to control other stupider dickheads. We just got the short end of the stick. I think the thing that bothers me the most is cis folks not thinking the discrimination is really that bad when the evidence is plain to see
Almost every time I've talked about having to get up early to put makeup on before work I've had people tell me to just skip it and had to struggle through explaining to them that skipping it actively puts me and students I'm with in danger. Every time I skip makeup I get harassed, its not a choice
It's such a small silly example compared to what others go through but its just one thing that comes up so often that it illustrates just how many people don't realise we don't just get to exist in peace. Its infuriating
Cis women are more likely to be accosted by transphobes than trans women simply because there are a lot more of them.
2016, someone used the VA bathroom bill *in TN* as a reason to teach her kids to look through ALL the stall cracks on entry while I was in one.
Way too much 'if I have one then I get to see yours' and 'women can't abuse women' going on in 'protecting women'.
It was bullshit then and it’s bullshit now.
It doesn't fit with their "trans women are just men in dresses and lipstick" narrative, of course. It also skewers their "biology" schtick.
But facts don't matter. It's a cult with "protected beliefs" and nothing will burst that bubble.
It absolutely will.
That's the point of human rights, and why millions of lives were lost in the middle of the last century and new consensus built in the aftermath.
Bodily autonomy affects every human.
It's not an option (I wish it were, but...)