When this is all done, I may need to do some balancing... I don't know if there's truly any reason why this is powerful enough to be EX, but the Gengars aren't? 😅
But, I thought the EX style of breaking the borders would be fun to do for Hydreigon! Here's the art:
My initial intention was to make this a Lilac piece first, because of Hydreigon's colors. Then I decided to lean into the Minecraft End Dragon connection, and I can't keep Minto out of Block game. But, I did do an official Lilac version (not a drawn over one like last time):
I also struggled with the framing. Did I want full art or EX frame? Did I want it to be Dragon or Dark? I did the art like I was planning on an EX frame, but then decided to go full art anyway 😅
Here are a few options I played with before settling on the final version.
But, I thought the EX style of breaking the borders would be fun to do for Hydreigon! Here's the art:
Here are a few options I played with before settling on the final version.