When you claim “quorum was maintained,” but👇🏽 before / after of room @MLAforPalestine
& allies incredible action at #MLA25 Delegate Assembly.
Then again MLA leadership has shown a penchant for cruelest calculus, “fiduciary responsibility” in exchange for abandoning Palestinians.
& allies incredible action at #MLA25 Delegate Assembly.
Then again MLA leadership has shown a penchant for cruelest calculus, “fiduciary responsibility” in exchange for abandoning Palestinians.
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@commondreams.org does an excellent job covering actions & important context of the occupation of Palestine, current genocide, and what’s at stake in academic institutions’ complicity
Pray tell what civility is possible when you tell Palestinians that the possibility of your financial bottom line having negative impact is worth more than their lives and freedom?
Pledge is open to current members and nonmembers.