Was planen die Parteien, um das #Klima zu schützen? 🤔 Wir haben die #Wahlprogramme der im #Bundestag vertretenen demokratischen Fraktionen analysiert und mit unseren Forderungen abgeglichen. #BTW2025
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BMWK - Bundesminister Habeck will den Einsatz von CCS ermöglichen: „Ohne CCS können wir unmöglich die Klimaziele erreichen.“
Und ansonsten verstehe ich nicht, was an den geteilten Grafiken missverständlich ist?
Aber dann sage ich mir halt: Nicht Wahlprogramme machen Politik. Menschen machen Politik.
We need everything we can get - but it will be too little too late in any case.
Rewild nature to protect us.
And there is another benefit: It's so expensive, that all industries will struggle in competition, if they do not find a better alternativ.
So do not call them out but instead invite them to move on - they won't come far.
Still I like to emphasize the mutli-functionality which ecosystem-based solutions bring to our modern challenges. It makes them far more effective as technology.
Nevertheless, capturing CO2 directly at point sources is a concept that may work in certain fields.
If it comes to DAC, you are perfectly right.
It won't take long till all those companies understand what kind of nonsense this is. And then, the narrative of e-fuels is dead (except for aviation I guess).