We talk about nostalgia like it’s harmless, but is it? I wrote some thoughts about gaming, memory, and the cost of looking back.
#blog #gaming #retro
#blog #gaming #retro
great article
great writing
many thanks
Emulators are your friends as bootlegs, while vary in quality, are now unexpected allies
Nobody knew what a Telefang was until "Pokemon Diamond and Jade" (Telfang Speed ver. and Telefang Power ver.)
I think Cassette Beasts is more in-line with Telefang than Pokemon, honestly!
And yes! Cassette Beasts definitely does give more Telfang vibes. One of my favourite games last year.
Like, you can download emulator frontends with autodownloaders and great netplay, but what children have access to laptops or desktop computers at home? Who's setting that up for them?
The store attendant (really nice guy) was honest with them: Gamecube is great but every good game is $100+.
I see $300 price tag for a Gamecube + The Wind Waker and say my memories are worth far more than that, but the price of the next generation sharing those memories is insane.