When you tap on the menu, you can see all of your feeds. But they're also (I think it's the same for everyone in the app) on top of your current feed. By swiping left/right, you can browse them all and switch between feeds. The feeds show you a certain TL. In tw you had followers, for you
... and so on. With Bluesky, you can create your own feeds or add feeds created by others. Simply tap on a feed and pin it to your top by pressing the button provided. It ensures that no unwanted posts popp into your 'followers' feed like in 'you know where'.
And since I'm already rambling... When you create a post or you reply, there this '+' ... When you click on it, you can open up and type more posts, before sending them all at once.
I also like the cache. If you have copied a text, then tap the cache icon and open it, you can save it for longer and use it later by clicking and holding it for a few seconds.
it takes a little time to figure out. don't worry, we've all been where you are. it gets easier, and before you know it you won't think twice about it 💜